Magnet Motor
How to Construct the Magnet Motor. Contact us to download the construction plan.
The Magnet Motor(see video above) doesn't need batteries as starter to start spinning, (watch the sideview video), but the careful arrangement of the customized magnets on stainless steel or aluminum DISC creates a very powerful repelling force, which cause the DISC to spin at a very high rpm(approx. 3000 rpm). The system has 18 small magnets fixed on the stainless steel disc, 2 small magnets fixed on the Plexiglas as magnet switch (starter), and 2 large magnets for centripetal force to maintain spinning momentum. This system can be scaled up creating a very high torque, which can be coupled to:
1. An alternator/Generator to generate electricity, depending on the power demand.
2. Can coupled to the shaft of a drive/gear of electric vehicle to drive the vehicle without the needs of batteries.
The advantages of the Magnet Motor Generator are;
1. The Aluminum Disc or Stainless Steel Disc with the magnets spins based on magnetic repulsion and centrifugal force
2. No need of fuel of any kind, the inherent magnetic field in the magnets are its own fuel and never finishing for several years, until the magnets weaken.
3. Its a green Energy, no emissions of any kind
4. There is no sound pollution of any kind, and no exhaust fumes, because no fuel of any kind.
5. The Magnet motor can be connected to any alternator depending on the size of power you want to generate, and it will generate clean energy for personal or business use
6. It can be kept indoors and it operate fully well without any emission to affect your health.
7. Its self sufficient without the need of any external source to operate. And it is not affected by weather condition as do Solar or Wind. It operates in all kinds of weather condition.
8. The magnet motor Generator can be connected to the Gear system of eV to power it, when it is scaled to appropriate power rating.
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Magnet Power Generator Plan
Build this amazing magnet power generator to generate electricity for your home/businesses( See diagram below). Follow the clear step by step instruction on the construction plan and within few weeks you have your generator running. You don’t need to be technically inclined, the clear instruction on the construction plan is so plain for everyone to understand.
All materials for constructing the free energy generator is clearly explained and readily available. In the construction plan you will easily learn how to arrange the permanent magnets on the Teflon Disc, the necessary gabs needed in-between each magnet, if you arrange the magnets with equidistant between them it will never work.
Learn and understand also how to create DEAD POINT which is a mystery to many, the Dead point allows the magnets spinning on the Teflon Disc to naturally cancel each others repulsion at certain point, this is to ensure that the magnets at Dead Point crosses each other freely without interruption/attracting each other.
Depending 0n the amount of power you want to generate, the Teflon Disc can either be 2-6 in number and spinning at 3000 rpm.
Contact us to buy the magnet Generator construction plan.