


Q  This is good news to inverter/Battery users, with this ultra Unique system called the PROCESSOR, there is no more anxiety for inverter/battery users losing power, when inverter batteries depletes, because Solar Energy, Wind Energy or Grid Power are not readily available to charge your depleted inverter batteries. The PROCESSOR is an ultra unique component that charges your inverter batteries within 45-60mins. take for instance you are using 10kw Lithium batteries to power your inverter for electricity supply, when the batteries depletes you can use the PROCESSOR to charge it back within 45-60 mins,

The interesting thing about this processor is that, it is activated by a 12v battery which it also charge by itself. the PROCESSOR is install in the inverter/battery arrangement. More interesting thing about this ultra unique component is that it will supply you minimum power/Electricity to use, while it is charging your depleted main 10kw batteries. When the 10kw battery is fully charge, it automatically disconnect, and you can ON your inverter for another round of full power supply. The purpose of inventing this PROCESSOR is to totally solve the anxiety of inverter batteries losing power, and there is no Grid power, Wind Energy or Solar Energy to recharge its batteries when needed.

Bear in mind also that Solar energy and wind energy is control by the weather, and the gird power is not readily available to charge your depleted batteries, and this affects your businesses or homes that needs power. But the PROCESSOR is always available 24/7 to charge your depleted batteries. The PROCESSOR is MOSTLY  for everyone that uses inverter, and gets disappointed when batteries depletes and there is no grid power to charge the batteries or Solar/Wind energy available, because they are controlled by the weather. This is your answer to uninterrupted Power Supply.  

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